Invisibile Verbum Palpabitur

(The invisible Word shall be felt)
Monday 26 July 2004.
Which words to choose, to speak of Her who created speech ? And suppose that such words exist, and be they even well chosen, How to cadence them to capture the music of Her Who is the rhythm of all measures ? And should the phrase sing from every syllable, who would dare modulate its grace? For this mouth is mute, till She, my veritable Mother, gives me speech
My veritable Mother,
She, Who is crowned by the starry skies.
The folds of Her shawl in turn display and envelope the Cosmos.
Her turquoise saree sweeps the continents, their mountains and plains,
and the deep oceans again and again offer their foaming tribute
to Her Feet.
The fragrance of Her arms fixes the arch of the heavens.
Without looking, She sees everything,
and without questioning, everything is -
in the scope of Her knowledge.
Without motion, She is always moving, tireless,
graciously absorbing those who call,
in the Holy Wind of Her Love.
May She kindly grant to plunge me in Her sublime river,
severing the ropes which moor me to its banks.
My eyes, thousand times blessed, dare scarcely contemplate
Her sovereign countenance,
And when something worthy of Her pleasure came to pass,
It was She who whispered in my heart

