Kundalini Mata

Friday 25 February 2005.


The Purest Desire Power [1] Of God,
Created the whole creations.
As a proof of this Divine love of God,
Kundalini Shakti [2] is present in all beings.


Those who regularly meditate,
At the Lotus Feet of Mother Nirmala,
They are protected by the Mother like Herself.


What can we offer to our Mother!
We are her own children.
Let us surrender ourselves at Her Feet,
And get rid of our worldly bondages.


To be in the company of the Divine Mother Kundalini,
Is actually being in meditation all the time.
Become the will of the Mother,
And be transformed like beautiful fragrant flower.


Mother is Love and Mother is our life.
Mother is the embodiment of Divinity, compassion and forgiveness.


The Mother is Mahamaya [3] and Mahakal [4].
But in the shades of Mother Anchal [5],
You will have no problem at all.


The Mother is all the knowledges and sciences.
The Mother is beyond Maya [6], The God-Almighty.


All the thirty-five crore [7] deities,
The Gods and Incarnations, Brahma, Vishnu Mahesh,
Lord Shri Ram, Shri Krishna and Angel Hanuman,
Are one with The Mother.


The glory of The Mother is really the knowledge of Shri Ganesha.
The Mother is Jesus-Mary who is Absolute forgiveness.


To know the Mother in your awareness,
Is the knowledge of all sciences.
The Mother is the giver of emancipation.
She is infinite and beyond the capacity of human concepts.


Let us not think of the past,
Because The Present [8] always exists, eternally.
The truth of the present is Sahaja [9]
Let us know this truth in the present.


Achieve your emancipation here and now,
By surrendering yourself in Sahaja.
The Divine Mother Herself has come
To do the job of giving emancipation.


Get yourself established in Sahaja Yoga.
And become the strong foundation.
You will get your Eternal-life
By the grace of the Divine Mother.


By becoming the children of God, get yourself purified.
And continue to do the work of spreading Sahaja Yoga fearlessly.

Kundalini is silent, extremely loving, caring, nurturing every moment of our life. Once awakened, She leaves no stone unturned to protect us and grant us the Bliss of the Self, the immortality.

[1] Adi Shakti is the Purest Desire Power Of God. God and His Desire is one and the same

[2] The Residual Divine energy residing in the sacrum bone at the base of spinal cord of a human being

[3] The Creator of Great Illusion

[4] The One who is beyond time, The Timelessness. The time is a myth and timelessness is the truth

[5] The hanging portion of the garment (saree) of the Mother

[6] That which does not exist but appears to exist, the illusion, the mirage

[7] ’Crore’ is an Indian term for the number 10.000.000 (ten million) - thus thirty five crore would be 350 million

[8] The ever present, Present. The timelessness

[9] Spontaneous, Automatic, Effortless

