Recognize The Truth

Sunday 3 April 2005.


Kaliyuga [1] has its own importance.
And that is, the worthy people can recognize the Real GURU among the imitations.
Amidst deceptions and confusions, they can recognize the Reality.


The covering of imitations are opened and dropped.
In the same way camouflages of wrong gurus are removed and they are exposed.
The hiding screens behind which they are standing fall down.
Their realities are seen and all their networks of dreams get shattered.


Today the false spiritualists show their miracles.
Thus they entertain the innocent people by their falsifications.


There are Maharshis, Saibabas, Shankaracharyas, Ammajis,
Brahmacharis, Bhagwans. They are those who are in lime lights.
Balayogies, Swamiji and Guruji Maharaj all seem to be one greater than the others.


There are a large number of miracle-mongers in these modern times.
There are many such persons who loot the innocent people in the name of God.


They look like very special personalities by putting on unusual dresses.
Being surrounded by their disciples they look very gracious and attractive.


Some people become Sanyasi Baba [2] by wearing saffron clothes. They utter “Ram-Ram” the names of God outwardly but they hide swords in their armpits. Their intentions are not as they look.


They influence the disciples and force them to commit forgery and false allegations against their enemies. They take possession of the properties of the people in the name of God.


In the name of doing welfare of the society and people, they construct schools, colleges and hospitals. In this way on the grounds of the truth and righteousness, they make properties of millions and millions of rupees for running their empire.


When the secrets of their falsehood and hypocrisy will be exposed, like the legendary demons Kalnemi [3], Ravan [4] and Rahu [5] then they will disappear.


Some people possess extra-sensory perceptions. They show many miracles.
But can they do the work of human welfare and solve their worldly problems?


Some people are mesmerized by them and they offer all their belongings to them. Later on after losing their self-respect, they come to know the truth about their own folly then they feel extremely guilty.


Somebody makes the heavy object move on the floor by the power of his mind.
Someone walks on burning heap of fire. Some other crosses the river without a boat walking on the surface of water.


Some special personality can make others fly in the air and some can sees the other side of a wall. There is somebody who can hear the sound of dead spirits and somebody can kill an enemy from a very long distance and nobody can doubt him.


With all these powers of the dead could any body do the benevolence to the suffering humanity? Could such acts of these people remove the poverty, starvation, ignorance, joblessness, diseases and many other problems of the public?


Therefore, the people in general should have to decide themselves.
With their own wisdom and discretion they have to pray the God.


There are real flowers therefore, plastic flowers have been made by man.
Only by imitating natural or God-made organs they have made artificial hearts and transplanted in human beings. This probably makes the life hell of a person.


O Lord God Almighty! We pray to you with our true heart. Please grant us the boon of wisdom, discretion and spontaneous power to have sense of the Truth.


In this world of utter confusion, give us the enlightening sticks of knowledge so that we can see and tread the path of Divinity. We pray to you O Lord! Give us the power and capacity to maintain the life of Divinity.


Our attention is again drawn at this juncture to wards the warnings of the great incarnation of Lord Jesus Christ. The last chance to test the veracity of the truth is before us in Sahaja Yoga.


In the modern times any body may say that he has seen the Christ in the desert and compelled others to come with him to see Him.


Some body may say that The Lord is living in a secret chamber. Another person may say that he has seen The Lord wandering in the forests.


Do not believe these camouflaged personalities because the “Light of Truth” [6] comes from the East. In this Kaliyuga [7] there is only the real Guru, who is the giver of self-realization and She is “Her Supreme Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.”


But those who live in illusions, can not see even in light. They mistake the false and fake as real and vice-versa.


Those who are real seekers of truth have strong convictions and they test the truth and get it. Those who are going towards the untruth become the same.


There is only one difference between the truth and falsehood. And that is, the falsehood is exposed and the Truth wins.


Before self-realized persons, all the illusions disappear. Like the darkness vanishes when light comes.


O Mother! We pray to you, kindly give us that wisdom and discretion by which we can separate milk from water like a Swan. Give us the miracle of all miracles which is “The Self-realization” by which we can recognize the truth among falsehoods.

Our obeisance to the Lotus Feet of Shri Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who is the source all these knowledge.

[1] The modern times of sins and sufferings

[2] the one who leave their family in the quest of God

[3] Kalnemi was a demon and uncle of Ravana. Once he was sent by Ravana to deceive and disturb Hanuman (who is Archangel Saint Gabriel) who was on his way to bring Sanjivini Buty (medicinal plant) which could bring life to Laxman (the brother of Shri Ram) who was lying in the state of unconsciousness after being hit by a powerful weapon launched by Meghnaad (son of Ravan). Kalnemi took the form of a fake guru and wanted to give Diksha (secret knowledge). But Hanuman could knew his hypocrisy and killed him.

[4] Ravan was a demon king of Lanka. He took away Sita Mata to Lanka and kept Her in Ashok-vatika (a garden) under his custody. Hanuman reached there and he allowed himself to be purposely caught by the Ravan’s son Meghnad and was brought to court of Ravan. During discourses Hanuman asked which one of the Ravanas he is? The one who was kept in the armpit of Monkey King Bali or the one who was made captive by the king Kirtivirya in a battle. This is how Hanuman exposed the false ego of Ravan.

[5] Rahu was a demon who wanted to drink nectar which was obtained by churning Kshir-sagar (the Ocean of milk). He sat in the row of devas (gods) but was recognized by The Sun and Moon gods who revealed his hypocrisy to Lord Vishnu who cut head of Rahu. Because of drinking nectar both the head and lower body (Ketu) remained alive. The same Rahu troubles both the Sun and the Moon by eclipsing them.

[6] who is Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

[7] the age of sufferings and sins

