I am no longer

Tuesday 27 July 2004.
I am no longer
a lancing knight
a feuding king
a blunted arrow
I am no longer
I am no longer
a mercenary, suborbital
itinerant, unstable and disabled
For inner eyes are fixed
on one valley, both near and distant
veiled in sun light, combed by breeze
a valley so rare in refuge so real.
Both home and destination.
There moon does not wax. It does not wane.
The sun does not set. (It only seems from earthly eyes.)
And a river does not end, but empties.
Empties into its greater self.
I am no longer child, not teacher
(eyes searching a future day).
I am not consumer, not producer
(creating needs unsated).
I am not a singer with lament,
not even a poet with a pen.
No more "I am"
For taken by One Hand,
Rising in ascent, true in being,
I am no longer anything I thought I was.
For now
I am
no longer.
