The Palace Garden

Friday 3 November 2006.
The trinity of roots, heart and crown
The play of sun, moon and stars within
The secret garden enchanted by the scent of blossoms
The secret garden of the Glorious King
These flowers are turning, emitting vibrations
This garden is golden, shining within
Responding to nature, the outside the inside
All the gods obeying their Glorious King
These flowers are gardens of ambrosia trees
Infinite in form, incomprehensible in being
Universes on a necklace of pearls
Perambulating around the Glorious King
Divine nature awakened
The Goddess Herself wearing
Her most beautiful saree
Smiling shyly towards the Glorious King
The inner temple greatly decorated
With flowers blossoming
This garden, at the time of spring,
Reveals the secret of the Great King
