Destiny Unfounded

Sunday 5 March 2006.
Destiny unfounded
in a sacred hour
the night came
and went
slowly goes the river
and Her Namesake
Gently creeps along the ground
laying Her foundations
rejoicing in Her splendour
Nourishing us
and feeling us
Giving us a new beginning
a new day
a new way
Redeeming Nature
Mother Nature
You are Salvation’s Own
Loving us in all Your Splendour
Giving Divine inspiration
Purifying all
And weeding out the bad
Omens given again no more life
Rejoicing in Your Name
Sake forelorn
Bye and bye
Loving as You Alone do
Gently lifting us up
and letting us Be
O Sacred Mother
Universal Force
Sacred Fire
Rejoice in your Cleansing
Cooling Joy
Lift us from our Realms
to Yours
Heavenly State
Abide in us
And keep us There
with You forever more
Sadness Be no more
Despair not
Loneliness never again
When Love caresses us
and we feel
Together Again
At last!!!
